Articles by "Alyx Andrus"

Alyx Andrus
Alyx Andrus

Alyx Andrus, health enews contributor, is a senior content writer at Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. With a bachelor’s degree in mass communication and experience in journalism and retail marketing, she’s been writing in different capacities for more than 15 years. Alyx lives in southeastern Wisconsin with her husband and their dogs, Amelia and Gus.

This author has already written 5 Articles
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This telehealth visit is as easy as sending an email 
This telehealth visit is as easy as sending an email
It’s another appointment type that allows you to get care from home. Plus, you’ll get a response within one hour, 24/7.
Vaccines do double duty when you’re pregnant 
Vaccines do double duty when you’re pregnant
Here’s which ones to get when expecting.
Colorectal cancer screening is all about location 
Colorectal cancer screening is all about location
Should you choose convenience or efficiency?
Do you need both a flu shot and a COVID-19 vaccine?  Featured
Do you need both a flu shot and a COVID-19 vaccine?
Yes, and here’s why.
Are you lowering your lung cancer risk? 
Are you lowering your lung cancer risk?
Here’s how to begin breathing easier.