Articles for Tag: "diabetes"

Diabetes: Are Hispanics at greater risk?  Featured
Diabetes: Are Hispanics at greater risk?
Statistics show that Hispanic Americans are at a higher risk for Type 2 diabetes. But experts say there are ways to help control your risk and prevent diabetes.
La diabetes: ¿Corren los hispanos e hispanas un riesgo mayor? 
La diabetes: ¿Corren los hispanos e hispanas un riesgo mayor?
Las estadísticas muestran que los hispanos e hispanas en los Estados Unidos corren un gran riesgo de contraer la diabetes tipo 2. Pero los peritos dicen que hay formas de ayudar a controlar su riesgo y de prevenir la diabetes.
Americans look to smartphones for health info 
Americans look to smartphones for health info
Are you among the thousands of tech-savvy Americans who want to manage your health care on your smartphone? Read this.
Gandolfini’s death puts spotlight on heart attack risks 
Gandolfini’s death puts spotlight on heart attack risks
The world was stunned by news of James Gandolfini’s sudden death Wednesday of a reported heart attack. But experts say a growing number of younger men and women are being diagnosed with heart disease. Find out if you may be at risk.
Diabetes: Walk away your risk 
Diabetes: Walk away your risk
Researchers say a 15-minute walk after mealtime may prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes in seniors.
Making a difference in the fight against diabetes  Featured
Making a difference in the fight against diabetes
Tens of thousands of people committed to finding a cure for diabetes will be riding in the upcoming Tour de Cure cycling event. Here’s one woman’s special story.
Alzheimer’s could be linked to high blood sugar level, study says 
Alzheimer’s could be linked to high blood sugar level, study says
New research suggests people who are pre-diabetic and have elevated blood sugar levels may be at risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease.