Articles for Tag: "Good Sam"

Use your senses against waterborne germs  Featured
Use your senses against waterborne germs
A dip in the public pool or local swimming hole may seem harmless, but unknown germs could be waiting for you. Here’s what you should know.
4 tips to prepare for your first 5K 
4 tips to prepare for your first 5K
Thinking about running your first 5K? Here are four training techniques to help you get the most out of it.
Signs of an abusive relationship  Featured
Signs of an abusive relationship
One in five women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime according to The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Know what to look for and how you can help.
5 tips to avoid stress eating  Featured
5 tips to avoid stress eating
Experts say it’s not always healthy to turn to food as a source of comfort. We share some tips on how to avoid eating when you’re stressed.
Can too much exercise be dangerous for your health? 
Can too much exercise be dangerous for your health?
Believe it or not, training too hard can put your health at serious risk. Find out why.