Articles for Tag: "potassium"

Is water retention to blame for your weight gain? 
Is water retention to blame for your weight gain?
Did you know that water weight can fluctuate by 2 to 3 pounds? Here’s why you may be retaining water.
Don’t be salty. Here’s how to cut salt in your diet 
Don’t be salty. Here’s how to cut salt in your diet
Some salt swaps are better and tastier than others. Plus, you may be experiencing signs of too much sodium in your diet.
Is your diet lacking this nutrient? 
Is your diet lacking this nutrient?
Eating the proper amount could help lower your blood pressure, studies show.
4 signs you’re not getting enough potassium 
4 signs you’re not getting enough potassium
Tired? Constipated? A family medicine physician explains some of the subtle symptoms.
Infographic: 4 signs you’re not getting enough potassium 
Infographic: 4 signs you’re not getting enough potassium
Tired? Constipated? You may be lacking potassium. A family medicine physician explains some of the subtle symptoms.
Infographic: 4 signs you’re not getting enough potassium 
Infographic: 4 signs you’re not getting enough potassium
Tired? Constipated? You may be lacking potassium. A family medicine physician explains some of the subtle symptoms.
The skinny on water weight 
The skinny on water weight
Find out how water can skew the scale.