The latest coffee crazes  Featured
The latest coffee crazes
Instead of adding sugar and cream, some people are getting creative with their mix-ins. Read more about the latest blends.
5 diet myths debunked 
5 diet myths debunked
A dietitian weighs in on some common misconceptions and offers advice for people trying to lose weight.
The health condition that scares Americans most 
The health condition that scares Americans most
It may not be the leading cause of death in the U.S., but one survey finds people believe it’s the most pressing health challenge.
9 things not to do if you’re trying to get pregnant  Featured
9 things not to do if you’re trying to get pregnant
An obstetrician offers some helpful tips for women looking to conceive.
Is there a divorce season? 
Is there a divorce season?
Research reveals divorces consistently peak around certain times of the year. A psychiatrist weighs in.
5 ways to improve your balance 
5 ways to improve your balance
An exercise physiologist offers tips on how to strengthen your body and increase stability.
What’s the best thing to say to someone who is depressed?  Featured
What’s the best thing to say to someone who is depressed?
The mood disorder affects more than 15 million Americans, so knowing what to say – and not to say – is important.