Articles for Tag: "alcohol"

How your Friday night fun may be affecting your fertility 
How your Friday night fun may be affecting your fertility
The dangers of drinking during pregnancy are well-known. But just how risky is it to have a drink while trying to conceive?
7 tips to live to 100 
7 tips to live to 100
Learn more about lifestyle habits followed by residents of “Blue Zones,” where people live the longest.
9 out of 10 strokes are preventable 
9 out of 10 strokes are preventable
A study finds 10 modifiable risk factors responsible for the majority of strokes, the fifth leading cause of death in the US.
Are craft beers healthier than mass-produced beers?  Featured
Are craft beers healthier than mass-produced beers?
Experts break down the differences and explain what you should be looking for when grabbing your next drink.
US has highest car crash fatality rate 
US has highest car crash fatality rate
What’s most responsible for 32,000 annual traffic deaths, and why does the US still lag behind other countries?
9 things not to do if you’re trying to get pregnant 
9 things not to do if you’re trying to get pregnant
An obstetrician offers some helpful tips for women looking to conceive.
One binge drinking session could cause permanent harm 
One binge drinking session could cause permanent harm
More than half of the alcohol consumed by adults in the United States is in the form of binge drinks.