Apasionada por la equidad en salud y el desarrollo de la enfermería 
Apasionada por la equidad en salud y el desarrollo de la enfermería
Esta enfermera se ha encargado de construir puentes en la comunidad latina.
“Supporting each other has kept us all going.” 
“Supporting each other has kept us all going.”
This experienced social worker has never been prouder of her profession than she has during this pandemic.
Staying upbeat during COVID 
Staying upbeat during COVID
She does what she can to make her team smile.
“It is incredibly rewarding to be a part of their journey” 
“It is incredibly rewarding to be a part of their journey”
Read what inspires this plastic surgeon.
Her commitment to her team never wavered 
Her commitment to her team never wavered
Helping with vaccinating is just one way this medical assistant kept pitching in.
“We are so close to bringing this pandemic to an end” 
“We are so close to bringing this pandemic to an end”
For her and her team, the challenge doesn’t end at the hospital doors.
A nurse practitioner creates a safe space for his patients 
A nurse practitioner creates a safe space for his patients
Learning about the role race plays in the United States helped him understand what to do.